Show me what I came for. Show me what I paid for. Show me that you will deliver what you promised.
Because if you don't...if somewhere in the back rooms, part of the calculus is, Who else are they gonna vote for anyway? (other than whatever Republican is running), I'm going to vote for her to show you that I am tired of being taken for granted. Very, very tired.
How often here on FR we complain about how the Dems keep African-Americans on "the plantation"--taking them for granted, of course...BECAUSE WHO ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO VOTE FOR?
We felt a little superior, didn't we? But if the wrong nominee comes up, it only shows they were taking us for granted once again. Only this time, it's on one of the most important issues affecting our lives. (Yes, I take some hope that the national outcry over last week's land-grab ruling will inform the SC choice, but I fear that it will only be a small part of the decision.)
This is for me and my wife...and our kids...and our grandchildren. This nominee is the key to how the court will judge for a long, long time, likely.
And if this screaming, disingenuous, manipulative MINORITY can control the nominee when we (technically) have more power....
We might as well elect Hilary, because it won't make any difference. And she'll be such a horrible, leftist, socialistic, fascistic president...that maybe one day we'll finally catch some Republican politicians with some balls.
Bush isn't even running again?
If a conservative constitutionalist doesn't get put on the court there really is no reason to vote again. The laws will be made from the bench and our legislatures will just be pawns no matter what party they are. We'll just have to wait for the start of the Revolution Party which, as things are going, won't be long in forming.
No offense, John, but have you been, um...drinking?
If you are not able to discern between Hillary (which is how she spells her name) and G. Dubya, then perhaps a brief background sketch is in order.
You see, John, Hillary wants to turn the United States into a socialist Utopia.
She wants to choose your doctor. Is that what you want, John?
I suspect very strongly that she would like the U.N. to run our country, and that those who owned firearms would learn first hand about the word "confiscation".
When Hillary nominates a potential Supreme, instead of a "Constitutionalist" we would see more of a "Collectivist".
And you, sir, threaten to support her in an unfortunately petulant and demanding way.
No one, John, absolutely no one gets everything he wants in politics. I would hope that you reconsider your position.
"If Bush Doesn't Nominate A True Conservative, I'm Voting For Hilary For President"
Then you're no better than what you're complaining about.
It amounts to screaming "if the fire chief doesn't put out the fire in my garage I'm going to pour gas on my house..."
Stupid is as stupid does...
And you want to risk sending their future down the toilet over one supreme court nominee? At least vote third party if you feel this strongly about it. I won't vote for Hillary, no way, no how.
A lot depends on who the repubs nominate to replace Bush. If that turncoat McCain is nominated I will write-in Tancredo, Santorum or Gingrich. I haven't decided yet. No way on God's green earth would I vote for that bit*h Hellory. If possible we may raise enough hell to get a write-in campaign going. I can't bring myself to vote Libertarian. The Constitution Party, maybe.
Did you pass out before correcting the misspellings in your title?
I think GWB should nominate a moderate like O'Conner, to appease the wild dogs and allow a smooth confirmation. When the next appointment comes up, likely for Chief, thats the time to go for the gold, using this smooth confirmation to show just how its supposed to work.
*rolls eyes*
Get Bent!
I hear you except for the part about voting for Hillary.
3rd party, maybe. We'll see.
Oh no, let's regroup. We can all choose to vote for a third party and give it our best or something.
Instead of having a cow, why not just wait to see who the President nominates? Why get yourself in such a state with your over-active imagination?
I'm personally a bit tired of the threats against this President.
Since when has he given conservatives reason to doubt him on Judicial nominations? The failure isn't with Bush. It's with people that refuse to believe he is who he is. With people that seem to prefer he screw up this nomination than take comfort in the belief his principle has aligned with ours on this issue throughout his presidency.
IF anyone wants to make a threat, which is only good if you back it up with more than rhetoric, make it against the RINO's in the U.S. Senate. Their record does not give reason for comfort.
I see you're with me, John Robertson!
How do ya feel about Ronald Reagan's nominee Sandra Day O'Conner...good enough?
My point is you can never tell how someone will rule