Supposedly, W wants to nominate the first hispanic to the court. There are some on the Circuit courst who have been mentioned.
Tony Snow does not think Alberto will be nominated.
Alberto is our current Attorney General. He and W go way back to TX.
If Bush wants to nominate a qualified hispanic Jurist, he can nominate the reliably conservative Emilio Garza, on U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.
Here is my take - Bush knows that he HAS to nominate a CONSERVATIVE NOW or he will LOSE HIS CHANCE as Reagan lost his in the Bork nomination.
The Democrats have already shown their unreasoning and unrelenting obstructionism on John Bolton and many other qualified nominees. Bush plays poker, and he knows that the key to winning is having a winning hand when the other guy puts all their chips down. well, the Democrats will have to move their chips in if Luttig is the nominee - they *will* filibuster, and we *will* bust up the obstructionist game with the 'consitutional option', to save the USSC, the circuit nominees, and the next "John Bolton" to come in the Liberal crosshairs.
Luttig is the choice. He will be sworn in by October 10th, 2005.