Instead, I got out and I got even, but did not get caught. So, I got even again, and again did not get caught. So, I figured, well, I got even twice (actually more, but that's here nor there), even if I'm the only one who knows, so now what?
and this,
The current battle is of epic proportions (I do not make this claim idly either). It is a battle between me and my demons. Only two people in the world have a clue as to the power and nature of my demons (besides me) and they will probably never read this. But just the same, these demons are stronger than even I gave them credit for, and now they are taking my best blows and not even staggering. Im afraid, very afraid. If they win then a lot of people will be badly hurt, and theyve had their way before, so I know what they can do. Ive been praying a lot and asking God for help. Ive asked him to step in and intercede directly, because I see no other way at this point that I can win.