"We have to stop PC behavior. We're at war, and war is a dangerous business, not a therapy group"
But...but....we have to understaaaaaand our enemy. We have to understaaaaaand why they hate us....
/savage sarcasm
What's it going to take to knock some common sense into the administration? Our enemies are legion and nothing we do or say will ever make them like us. We have allies not worthy of the name, and no country in its right mind adapts itself to the demands of other countries. That's crazy. Sovereign countries are sovereign with their own borders, laws, languages, etc., for a reason. Germany doesn't want to do France's bidding or vice versa. But the US is told to do this or that by the rest of the world on a daily basis. Worse, this admin. it seriously. Germany wouldn't fight a PC war in Iraq if they were in our shoes, nor would France. They'd kick some serious you know what, and so should we. Iran is coming to a full, rolling boil. We'll have to do something and soon.