Monday, Clements faxed a request to Chip Meany, the code enforcement officer of Weare, seeking to start the application process to build a hotel on 34 Cilley Hill Road, the present location of Souter's home.
"Am I taking this seriously? But of course," Meany told the Associated Press. "In lieu of the recent Supreme Court decision, I would imagine that some people are pretty much upset. If it is their right to pursue this type of end, then by all means let the process begin."
Clements' idea to seize Justice Souter's property and build "The Lost Liberty Hotel" came after the 5-4 ruling last Thursday.
I'm so glad to read this. I kind of figured that Souter was picked for a reason (a freedom-friendly city government).
The Founders would be proud of this response. Our ridiculous elected officials stand idly by watching this fiasco (when they should have immediately begun impeachment proceedings against all five of the idiots); so the people take matters into their own hands.
Do you think they'll get the message? I doubt it.