"Baby boomers feel entitled to Social Security as-is, despite the certain knowledge that following generations not only won't get the same deal, but also that those same younger folks are being taxed for it on a blatantly fraudulent basis."
It's not very thoughtful of you to paint an entire group of millions with one brush. I'm 55 years old and have been working since I was 16 years old. I don't think I will ever get back what I paid in to SS. So who gets it? I would have been entirely happy not to participate in the Ponzi scheme. I didn't create SS and no one in my generation did.
I think you're just angry and want to blame someone.
In following generations there is a huge outcry for reform of the SS system. The baby boomers, with their huge vote, are the guardians of the status quo. Even on here you can see the difference. One can't have the attitude of "I'm going to get mine and who cares about who follows" without accepting responsibility for it.
Of course he is/they are. This thread is full of wonderful irony. All the newer generation who resent the "entitlement" label and are trashing the boomer generation, are mad because they think they somehow have been getting screwed out of something they are **gasp** entitled to!