Fantasies of grandure and self-delusions make up for a lot of lacking in one's life. Had one of them (spanalot) squak about he prefers to sneak up on commies and cut their throats. Spoken like a keyboard commando. I asked him in what game.
But you two tried to trash the thread with off-topic comments. But thanks for showing us more about Russian thinking in a certain Russian political information effort.
...back to the topic that you sought (unsuccessfully) to divert attention from.
It appears that "racist incitement and anti-Russian material" is against the law in Russia. ...problem is, the Russian State Prosecutor is questioning a rabbi to see if some old Jewish law fits the description of the crime (and it doesn't). He's doing that as a result of 500 letters sent to him by "public figures."
Russian Rabbi Investigated for Distributing Book of Jewish Law [Update, more info.]
..."anti-Russian material," eh? Even Cuba was smart enough to recently get that out of her Constitution so she could further conceal it. But apparently, it's still illegal in Russia.