I have to agree with the NY Times this time. I like Jeb, but he needs to let this one go.
A lot of people need to let it go already.
I'm pleased to see that some sanity has started to prevail on this issue in the aftermath of the autopsy.
I can give Jeb and W a pass for trying to be sure, but Terri's brain was 1/2 the weight of an adult and the autopsy determined that she had long ago lost her sight.
The "responses" she displayed were consisted with a persistent vegetative state. I think further inquiry and investigation is a waste of public resources.
She's in a better place, let it go.
The only problem with "letting it go" is that there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that Terri was strangled by her husband. If you're the governor of a state, how do you just let that go? The people who are appalled by this investigation are the same kind of people who strongly support capital punishment even though there is ample evidence that many innocent people have been wrongly convicted of capital crimes. Either you defend life in all cases or you do not defend life.