We are not governed by your opinions concerning fundamental morality. We are governed by the rule of law, enacted by legislators and interpreted by courts.
Judges have become, in truth, jack booted thugs ready to beat down the weak, the poor, the humble, on behalf of the strong, the rich, and the powerful.
The judges followed the law. You apparently want activist judges -- so long as their activism suits you.
(To digress from the discussion which is still supposed to center on the question of whether or not the New York Times is consciously, or simply unconsciously, an agent for evil in the real world).
Only in your alternative reality was this the topic of discussion.
In the case of Terri Schiavo, the 'activism' that was needed from judges was to enforce the Fifth Amendment prohibition on taking a citizen's life when they haven't been convicted of a capital crime.
Your 'activist judges' strawman is getting rather tattered. Won't even scare the nervous crows away any more...
And who favors activist judges? Certainly not me, but obviously you do.