And why should they be satisfied?
We are handing the world over to them little-by-little. The way every country keeps bending over for them is shameful. They tested the waters in Europe and Canada and saw that everyone will just go out of their way to appease the "Religion of Peace©".
And now they are bringing it here. 9-11 had one side effect that I'm sure Osama and his boyz never thought of ... guilt by the American Left. They know it now and are using it to wedge their way in and have no reason to stop until it's too late.
Why haven't there been any new terrorist attacks? They don't need to, they have something on their side even more lethal than a WMD ... The American Civil Liberties Union {{spit}} and their team of lawyers.
We came so close to electing Kerry and if that had happened we would have been on the Highway to Bhurka-ville.
If, in 2008, we elect Hildabeast ... stick a fork in us, we are done.
Brother , you hit it right on the head ..well done ( just like we will be shortly
"hy haven't there been any new terrorist attacks? They don't need to, they have something on their side even more lethal than a WMD ... The American Civil Liberties Union {{spit}} and their team of lawyers.
We came so close to electing Kerry and if that had happened we would have been on the Highway to Bhurka-ville.
If, in 2008, we elect Hildabeast ... stick a fork in us, we are done."