Dying playing football in Texas is perfectly acceptable -- it's FOOTBALL!! Singing soprano in Texas isn't acceptable. Apparently, the Vienna Boys Choir wouldn't be welcome in Texas either. Not that Texas needs culture -- after all, they already have football, big hats, big hair, and tumbleweeds.
There are other choices. When Schroeder visited didn't Bush have the Texas Boys Choir singint "Tief im Herzen von Texas" with Van von Cliburn accompaning on the hammerklavier?
What would ever give you an idea like that?
I invite you to take a look at my local boychoir and their accomplishments: Fort Bend Boys Choir of Texas When they performed in Austria, one of the local papers stated " probably one of the finest American choirs we have heard [at the Salzburg Dome] with precise singing and perfect intonation." SALZBURGER NACHRICHTEN
We're quite proud of them around here, and they get a tremendous amount of support and donations from the general public. (And I enjoy bragging about them!).
Listening to boychoirs is such a precious experience, because you know it is a fleeting moment -- 99% of them are going to "voice out" as they mature. I do know of one in that rare 1% that didn't voice out and only left the boychoir because it was time for college (voice major, full scholarship, to SMU).