Such a saint, you believe every spin his death lawyer puts out. Riddle me this, wouldn't such an extraordinarily devoted husband, giving up tons of cash to simply fulfill a marital promise, perhaps remain married to his wife in every sense until she was gone? His love was so deep he couldn't wait to find a new common-law wife and start a new family. Actions speak louder than words, my friend. you cannot claim this status of sainthood for the guy yet disallow his lack of faithfulness.
As if he'd open himself up to public derision in so naked a manner. He's pedaling a book proposal, so he's ready to cash in now.
The greedy, low-rent, philandering, murdering bastard did that? Nawwwwww.
And on the other side, the "we're doing it for Terri" Schindlers were soliciting money from the public in their daughter's name in order to frustrate her wishes.
Buy they're nice people, doncha know.