Currently I have a 9/11 novel with a NY agent trying to be placed with publishers. Jeff Head has read it in MSS form. I think it is really good. So far, all agree the writing is good, but so far we've hit a stone wall because of the topic.
There is a gag rule in place, it seems, for talking about or dramatizing in any way the actual NYC attacks.
Self publish like Freeper Travis McGee did.
You know, it was a neocon-Mossad operation, Atta was a dupe, the planes were under remote control, and the towers were actually dropped by demolition charges. A few minor changes like that, and you'll find a publisher, no sweat.
I bet they are saying that you are trying to "cash in" on it, huh?
I hope you get it published, I think that we need your book as well as the media to start showing these images again...
When you're ready, and if the stone wall remains in place...let me know and I can help you get it self published and have it availble on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and everywhere else online.