See, that is the good thing about being as removed from it as I am. I can see what I beleive is the inherent fallacy in that statement. Milosevic is a political strongman; a thug, if you will. He is guilty of many things, IMO. None of these things rate him being brought up in front of the UN ICC, though. Brought up with trumped up charges, no less.
I agree with Destro in that Milosevic should be tried in Serbia, in a Serb court, in front of a Serb jury. As I said, if Milosevic is to be tried by a UN court, then Bill Clinton should be, too.
IF there's any reason for it. Nothing I've ever heard in the western media so far would qualify.
I would even accept a tribunal made up of mixed judges from all the former Yugoslav republics - with even (or more accurately) honest and blind indictments across he board including Muslim Bosnians, Croats and Albanians. With the possibility that NATO officials would be indicted as well - or have an agreement that NATO officials can be brought to trial in their own countries based on evidence gathered by this hypothetical tribunal.