Maybe if there were less whining out of this war's version of the domesticong including those who pose as "paleo""conservatives", we might be doing something in Pakistan. Other than hiding with your "paleo" heads in the sand and hoping that the bad foreigners will just go away and leave you alone with your tailfeathers in the air, what IS the "paleo" plan for dealing with the Islamofascisti????? Oh, that's right, the "paleos" believe that foreign/military policy is somehow "unconstitutional." Good thing you guys were thoroughly rejected by the American people in election after election during the WW II era. As a result, I got to study German in high school and college but it was an elective and not a required subject.
"Paleos" offer nothing of interest to draw responses, just a hopeless and emotional nostalgia for the pre-WWI and pre-WWII and pre-9/11 world as you imagine it to have been. You seem understandably reluctant to respond to reality and the perceived wisdom of mankind on which you obviously gag.
Boy, if you think Rep. Walter Jones, Jr., is powerless and obscure now, wait until the whiny baby gets back to DC where he will be no more than a less intelligent image and likeness of Ron Paul. He might also think of himself as the anti-American Jeanette Rankin of his generation. What a disgrace! Hopefully, he is primaried out of his seat or returns to the Demonratic Party from which his father defected. He can weep and sniffle full time in retirement.
This happens to be the crux of my disenchantment with GWB.
Your pitiful, whiny reply, "Maybe if there were less whining out of this war's version of the domesticong including those who pose as "paleo""conservatives", we might be doing something in Pakistan" leaves you naked in the market place of reasoned debate.
We who question the U-turn by Bush Jr. away from pressing the WOT to blessing the decision by the crazies (shortly after 9/11) to dig up the old 1990 Wolfowitz policy paper (rejected and hushed up by Bush Sr.) and use it as the ME strategy .... we now become your excuse for scooting away from the terrorist nest?
Try again.