"pro Confederate mobs"
That's one way to deflect historical facts that do not fit with a given agenda. I've also been told that "those Irish immigrants" were to blame. It's always some sort of derogatory "other" with you folks, isn't it? Step down off your high horse, dispense with the denial and admit that your hands are not clean in this matter.
On Wednesday July 15, rioters continued to attack African Americans who had not fled the city. A group of white men pulled Abraham Franklin, a disabled African-American coachman, and his sister Henrietta out of their boarding room on Manhattan's West Side. Henrietta was beaten as Abraham was hanged. After his body was cut down by passing soldiers, the crowd hanged him again to loud cheers of "Jeff Davis!" Patrick Butler, a 16- year old Irish butcher, later cut Franklin down again and dragged his body through the streets.
Those riots, lootings and murders were as much about the Draft as the 1968 riots were about M.L. King's death. Like King, the Draft was simply a convenient excuse for lawless mob action.