I think you're wrong. Since most of Aruba's economy is tourist based, they'll throw the book at these guys.
my understanding is there will be no jury trial and murder is a automatic sentence to life in prison.
AS WE ALL WHERE right after high school....
What the hell does that mean? I graudated in 2001, went to community college, got an AA degree and what did it get me? I work at Safeco Field, picking up trash after the baseball games, i've also just been hired by Qwest Field ( the Seahawks for field staff. I've never touched an ounce of alcohol, i'm 22 and hell i'm still a virgin. But then again, i can't name a single friend, so there's your answer.
From the looks of this beach cam Aruba looks deserted today...
I hope so. And some rocks and maybe a few slugs whiile they're at it.