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To: leadpenny

Exactly, and it would probably be Bud Cramer, who is very much a social conservative, and who is akin to God in north Alabama (meaning it would be harder to defeat him in a state election)

I have to be honest, there are alot of conservative Republicans in Alabama who will not vote for Moore under any circumstances, even if it means we're stuck with Siegelman for another 4.

Now, I used to vote in what is now Mobile County Precinct 52. It is a wealthy area. The presidential vote was 80% for Bush, 19% for Kerry.

Now, when it came down to the Supreme Court race, you did have straight ticket voting, however the result went something like this

Parker (Moore's candidate) 53%, Tom Parker (Dem opponent) 46%

Parker was the only Republican judicial candidate who got less than 65% of the vote in that precinct.

This precinct also voted in favor of Amendment 2 by a comfortable margin.

Roy Moore does not represent all the Republicans in this state, and there are alot of Republicans here who will vote for a Democrat before they vote for anything connected with Moore.

(I should note, Smith will be running for office as a Republican next year.)

22 posted on 06/11/2005 11:08:04 AM PDT by AzaleaCity5691 (Farragut got lucky, if we had been on our game, we would have blasted him off Dauphin Island)
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To: AzaleaCity5691

Thanks, I'll keep and eye on Alabama. I was stationed at Ft. Rucker for flight school in 66 and then in 68 and 69. There was a Sessions Peanut business in Enterprise. Is Jeff Sessions related to those folks?

23 posted on 06/11/2005 11:13:25 AM PDT by leadpenny
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