Dude, the stated goal of the NRST is to weaken the federal government. To "starve the beast" as they say.
If you want to tame the beast of tyranny starve it into submission.
... the one way to reign in the federal government is to starve it.
It may not be too weak now. But that is what the NRST folks want for the future.
Dude, the stated goal of the NRST is to weaken the federal government. To "starve the beast" as they say
If you want to tame the beast of tyranny starve it into submission. .
Hmm, lookin at that link I find the stated goal of JPFO doing a hit piece on the FairTax legislation. They state that there position on taxes:
"Here's our alternative: Nothing.
Ban the income tax, definitely. Banish it. Disband the Internal Revenue Service and auction their buildings to the highest bidder. Let all the IRS auditors, clerks, and armed enforcers get honest jobs. But don't replace the income tax with any tax, of any variety. "
*** snip ***
If you want to tame the beast of tyranny starve it into submission. Ban the income tax. Trash the unFairTax. And put the government back on a leash.
... the one way to reign in the federal government is to starve it.
And an irrelavant post of some crankcase on a blog?
It may not be too weak now. But that is what the NRST folks want for the future.
That is really pitiful. You could have at least tried to find a posting that was from a fairtax supporter could you not?
Man you have gone beyond the pale, a total fruitcake, what are you smoking in that pipe?
Scraping the bottom of the barrel, eh...