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To: Tennessean4Bush
"Dean is nuts."

Absolutely, barking mad.

In the long run, though, the Dems probably benefit from his antics.

They'll split, the Deaniacs will march off the cliff, and the mainstream Dems will look like a party that can actually be trusted with the reins of government again.

However, they'll have to wait until the New Dealers and the 60s radical types all kick off - the Israelites got to Canaan sooner.
30 posted on 06/06/2005 8:45:07 PM PDT by decal (Where were YOU when AndyScam broke? Sluthering, perhaps?)
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To: decal

you have to laugh, I was wondering when someone in the DNC was going to say something vs Dean, I knew the money issue was going to do it....

as noted by some correspondent on Lou Dobbs

as noted, sadly Dean speaks to the base however that means alienating the big money donors and Biden and Edwards know from 2004, that mobilizing the DNC base isn't going to win a future election but gain back moderates and grabbing some Republicans voters is their only hope and Dean will scare those voters away, each and every day....

shall we take a pool on when Dean is asked to step down

would that not be unprecedented too, shortest term served by a DNC Chairman, can Howie fake an illness or something to save face? but then again Terry McAuliffe was a dismal failure over 3 elections and they kept him on, but I think he raised way more money than Howie

31 posted on 06/06/2005 9:50:32 PM PDT by llama hunter
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