This whole concept is imbicilic. What is the purpose of running "American Idol" for historical figures? Anybody who could put Bill Clinton and George Washington in the same league is just beyond stupid, but there are a lot of stupid people out there.
Maybe as a measurement of how stupid people are, it may have some utility. But I don't think that is what people will get out of this one-handed exersize.
Well...the public education system is teaching "agenda driven", yeah, I think the lefty whack jobs or using this as a measurement to see if their goal of dumbing down the masses is working.
It's a bench mark alright.
Not only do we in this country need to bring the MSM to justice but the public education system as well. It's a two pronged attack by the lefties to ensure they have a generation guillible enough to believe their tin foil hat conspiracies and spew their tripe.
Imbecile's do less damage to this Republic than the likes of Lauer and his ilk. You are correct. This show is a total waste of time. You must want to waste your time to spend one second looking at this leftist garbage.
My wife asked a friend of hers who she thought was the greatest American. Her answer (drum roll please) Princess Diana. These are the people who vote to put Michael Jackson and Ellen Degenerate on the list of top 100.