I think the alternative...invading Mexico at some point to straighten them out before their problems spill over the border, and it's way too late for that, is what impelled GW to igore our leaky borders. Then those two thousand Costa Ricans said they were walking north...two years ago...arrived and promptly said they weren't leaving...which also got GW's attention. What do you do with Central America and South America's poor, mal-nourished, ill-educated population, etc., esp. with Chavez in Venezuela, playing footsie with Castro, at the bottom of all this.
I understand GW's motives and logic, but resent the lack of honest disclosure. GW and the country are taking a huge risk, and he knew if given a vote, we'd say NO. We gave away our manufacturing base and then outsourced everything but the kitchen sink, and they're coming for that. Plus, the ugly truth is there are too many this time for assimilation.
'Igore'...ignore, of course, sorry.