I believe that when Nixon came up with the idea of the War on Drugs the budget was something like $200 million per year. Thirty-five years later and we now spend $20 Billion on the War on Drugs. Today, the drugs are more potent, cheaper, and more abundant. I may not be for legalization, but time has proven that spending MY money to fight the war is useless. Let the druggies get stoned, and cut my taxes.
End Note: those numbers may in fact be $20 million to $2 billion. I have the facts at home. Any argument about the cost is not irrelevant, because the argument is my money is being spent on someone else's problem. Throwing good money after bad money.
Throwing good money after bad money.
I agree, especially given the fact that that Washington does not want to protect our borders, the "drug war" is a sham and a HUGE RIP-OFF OF THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER. It is a real paradox that Washington talks of saving money, less taxation, etc. (not the libs of course) yet they are WASTING HUGE amounts of our tax dollars. Washington is living on the edge now, taxing the public beyond confiscatory levels, and wasting so much of it. Boston Tea Party anyone??