Hillary is the Annointed One. It's her time to be President, the MSM knows it, fanatical feminists know it, Leftists whose FBI files she still has know it. They'll promote her candidacy 24/7, and woe betide anyone else who holds his/her hand up and says, Hey, what about me? Kerry thinks his wife's bottomless purse will beat Hillary, but TerAYsa was sick of campaigning by last November -- she even dropped 'Kerry' from her last name and said she'd be just 'Heinz'. I think she's rethought that, but he'll have to talk her around somehow.
It's interesting to speculate that there might exist a sane, sensible democrat, but Zell Miller retired. Who else do they have? Hillary will play the center for all she's worth, winking at her supporters. She's taken speech lessons and is probably orchestrating Howard Dean's departure from his present position. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.
"Hillary is the Annointed One. It's her time to be President, the MSM knows it, fanatical feminists know it, Leftists whose FBI files she still has know it. They'll promote her candidacy 24/7, and woe betide anyone else who holds his/her hand up and says, Hey, what about me? Kerry thinks his wife's bottomless purse will beat Hillary, but TerAYsa was sick of campaigning by last November -- she even dropped 'Kerry' from her last name and said she'd be just 'Heinz'. I think she's rethought that, but he'll have to talk her around somehow. "
Don't be a CINO (Conservative in Name Only)
Don't listen to CINO's in politics,
the Main Stream CINO media,
and even here on Free Republic.
Remember all who told you not to worry about klintoon, hitlery and reno
after the 2000 election?
Remember all who said Ashcroft would prosecute them.
Remember Chinagate, Pardongate, Waco, Vince Foster, the Jewish town in NY etc., etc., etc. ?
Well reno ran against Jeb Bush and hitlery wants to beat Hanoi Kerry in 08
Are YOU willing to listen to the CINO's again?