The majority of Muslims around the world support terrorism.
We must cut off all immigration from Muslim countries, and become energy independent.
Once we become energy independent, we dont have to support or give aid to any Muslim country and we can just watch them sink back into the $hithole they came from.
Another important step is removing nuclear capability from all Muslim countries such as Iran and Pakistan.
Of course too many American even Freepers this seems extreme, so you all could continue drinking the Kool Aid and thinking that we can actually win the War by not fighting this as a War, and maybe Muslims will be our friends.
The only problem with that is their Holy Koran forbids it and we all know how important that is, we saw Condi Rice tremble before Congress about how much we respect the Holy Koran. A few more 9/11's might wake this country up, and more Americans will have to die unfortunately before we see the enemy of Islam and our own inner enemy of cultural relevatism.
The next 911 I fear will be a nuke, as long as we allow Muslims to harbor and create more of the.
no=not declare War