The Green Day performance took place in the Berlin venue as part of Live 8. The band is an American band but they are known to hate GWB and so many other things that we value here at FR. I was relieved to find out that at least it was an American band, although I still do not agree with them. But realizing the song was penned by Americans does soften my anger. Yesterday, I assumed that the group was not from America and I was livid!
Also, the song was more about brainwashing by the American mass media (with some clear pokes at GWB) but I didn't know that until I did some quick research on the band after hearing that song. Evidently, the album of the same name won grammy and other top awards right here in good ol' USA! Teen, young adult and sentimental artist angst and all; I guess it is cool to hate your country when you are among these groups.
Anyway, the Germans who loathe us probably loved the song and thought it so apropo yesterday!
Interesting indeed! :)
I changed the news whenever it had any LIVE8 information. I am so not into it, did that Madonna ho give the finger. She is such a lady.