That's because they don't want any competition for their citizens invading.
We would actually be saving money over the long run if we properly manned our borders.
Here's an idea: Let's get the government completely out of the education and energy businesses. All of those people currently working for either DOE would be given a choice: go get a job in the private sector or start training to work for the INS.
No net government cost increase. Just an overal increase in efficiency and security.
And those PhD's currently doodling around with various "energy" projects could be hired to create a high-tech virtual fence that might negate the need to hire lots of additional INS personnel in the future.
Saying that we can't secure the border is utter misinformation and not very American to say we can't do something like protect ourselves. We can have an Israeli like wall all along our southern border for less than $20 billion.
Our government needs to stop building big brother BS and secure the border. That wouldn't fit with the new world order though. I'm sorry, but I sure as hell don't trust a government that wants to know every search term in the search engines but doesn't even bother to secure the border.
"Oh, and by the way, it would seem from this story that the Mexican authorities may have helped catch these people."
This is not a sarcastic challenge. I've missed what you have seen that would help me to conclude that. Please help me out.
Mexican Authorities ???......I doubt it, more like a patriotic, hispanic American....most I know are also fed up with our "open border invasion".
There's more info in post only says a *source* contacted our immigration dept.
Do you realize the cost of leaving them open?
I hate to be bluntly antagonistic, but your attitude is what has lead to the current problem. Not you, per se, but your attitude shared amongst those in a position to do something about the problem.
If they want to come here legally, then fine, apply for a visa or do work permits. But if we are going to do work permits they should only be issued IN Mexico. If they're here illegally, they should have to go home to get a permit.
Horsefeathers. In terms of the fraction of our GDP we spend less than 1/3 now compared to what we spent early in the Kennedy administration, We could afford it, and it we did it high tech, it might not take nearly the manpower one might imagine.
You're wrong. Illegals cost American taxpayers in excess of $41 billion annually and any cost reduction netting 40-50% per annum over five year's time could prove an easy plug of the Southern Seive and after its closure, a secure fence would continue to pay for itself. Do the math yourself. A beefed up 2500 mile fence costing sixteen million dollars per mile (although I doubt we'd never have to expend as much for a mile of fence as we would on a new four lane highway) wouldn't be but $40 billion and divided by five years is eight billion dollars annually, a pittance compared to stabilizing and protecting the sovereignty of these United States.