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SiChuan Outbreak: Chinese People Still Believe it to be the EB-SZ77 Virus.

[Boxun disclaimer stating that this was from an external party, it (Boxun) has now way of verifying its authencity]

The outbrea in Shenzhen is currently showing signs of a serious explosion. Many districts appear to be controlled areas, with disinfection and burial activities being carried out. Food and hygiene control measures have been implemented. Restrictions have also been placed on people's movements.

However, relatives of many of the dead have yet to cremate or bury the dead bodies because the cause of death is yet to be established. Although Streptococus has been mentioned by the authorities, many locals believe that this outbrea must have been man-made and exacerbated by the pollution of the environment. They have accused authorities of ignoring the initial signs of the outbreak in early June and of reporting it to be a non-communicable disease when it was infectious in nature. Authorities have also not provided any information with regards to the nurses and doctors that contracted the disease and died in the initial stage of the outbreak.

Many locals have blamed the local state-run factory. Some have blamed it on the Ebola virus. Many relatives have been seen standing guard over the dead bodies, preventing authorities from forcibly cremating them.

It is understood that upon death, samples are extracted from the dead body. Authorities have ordered that dead bodies be cremated within 72 hours of death. This was aimed at reducing the risk of infections. Authorities have promised a tax break on the farming taxes, in return for a promise from locals to stay quiet on the matter.

Many residents feel that this is an infectious disease, with pigs and sheep merely being part of the chain of transmission.

Following analysis of press releases by authorities and information derived from web message boards, it has been discovered that conditions and symptoms reported at death were not consistent throughout all bodies. Some people suspect that the disease is more likely to be that of Ebola, as opposed to Streptococcus. Although some portions of the explanation provided by authorities may hold true, a significant portion of it does not make sense. There is also a severe cover-up of some of the symptoms presented. Even though some doctors / professors have suggested treatment to be carried out at low temperatures, they have been rebuffed.

A serious internal conflict is reported between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health. Currently, the Politburo appears to favour the argument put forth by the Ministry of Agriculture, ignoring the Ministry of Health, putting the latter under severe political pressure. Some Chinese who requested authorities to be more open with regards to information concerning the Ebola EB-SZ77 have been severely censured. However, some members of the medical team in SiChuan who had previously participated in the ShenZhen have been quoted on the news as saying that a cover-up of important pieces of information was taking place.

It is believed authorities can adopt the tried and tested method of isolating victimes and letting them die with minimal risk to others. The plan for this has already been drawn up. It involves the sealing off of the epidemic area to breakt he chains of transmission. Infected patients would be allowed to gradually die off. Simultaneously, dis-infection / de-contamination would take place. This would continue until the case numbers were sufficiently low for contaminment, following which information would be gradually released, the quarantine would be lifted and announcement would be made that the outbreak had been contained.

Human translation of Boxun article, translated by a poster on Disease Outbreaks... something certainly is going on in China.

701 posted on 07/26/2005 2:46:36 AM PDT by xVIer
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To: xVIer

MSNBC has an article on this, and they mention those darn bruises again too.

702 posted on 07/27/2005 6:05:15 PM PDT by the mo (Never underestimate the power of STUPID people in large groups!)
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Article first posted by Dr. Niman "To participates in a doctor's interview sound recording which the sichuan disease" thread 22566

sorry for the delay. it was a long and at times, somewhat technical, article.

Transcript of an Interview of a Doctor who Participated in the Analysis of the Sichuan Outbreak

Interviewer (I): “Hi Dr. Wang, thanks for granting us this interview.”

Doctor Wang (D): “Hi.”

I: “Please describe for us your scope of work.”

D: “I’m involved in the analysis of disease samples to identify them and ascertain their virulence and lethality.”

I: “Just like the genetic (? not sure) researchers in the movies?”

D: “Somewhat similar. But of course, it isn’t so exaggerated. Those are the movies.”

I: “Did you participate in the Sichuan investigation?”

D: “Yes.”

I: “What have you concluded from your test results so far?”

D: “My problem so far is that the results of the tests show that the outbreak is more complicated than what was expected, which would explain why the team leader was changed 3 times, each time after the tests run demonstrated different results.”

I: “You mentioned the change in team leaders. Why so?”

D: “Basically, there were 3 different results for the tests run. Each result dis-proved the previous, leading to the removal of the research team leader.”

I: “Was this due to corruption?”

D: “I’m not sure about that. But I would say that corruption is common in this area.”

I: “Can you tell us more about the Sichuan outbreak?”

D: “On 2nd June, we received a call from the Sichuan Department of Health informing us of abnormal deaths in their province and that they were sending samples over for analysis…”

I: (Interrupts) “So are you saying that it (the outbreak) had been reported before July and that the local bio-surveillance mechanism had done its part?”

D: “Not entirely so. Let’s not get into the politics of things. This is a medical issue. All abnormal deaths must be reported. If not, those responsible will be harshly dealt with. But, where was I? Yes, I was commenting about the samples.”

I: “Sorry.”

D: “It’s alright. We ran tests on those samples and isolated the SZ77++A3231 virus.”

I: “What is this SZ77++A3231 virus?”

D: “This is a strain of the Ebola virus.”

I: “Would you like to comment about it?”

D: “It’s rather impossible to totally explain it.”

I: “I can understand so, but why is the term “less-infectious” always affixed to our version of the Ebola virus?”

D: “There are 2 reasons for doing so. First, to reduce panic among the people should it ever leak. And second, the Ebola virus has evolved in China. Re-combination has been detected. Most prominently at the portion which determines its effect on humans (very technical description, I can’t describe it. sorry.). Also, abrupt breaks in the sequencing were detected, leading to changes in the incubation period. (Or possibly “changes in the incubation period were detected”)

I: “How were these viruses classified then? / Could you elaborate more about the various strains?”

D: “Previously, strains of Ebola in China always had the EBO prefix. Subsequently following information leaks, the classification method was changed. We stopped using the EBO prefix. Instead, coupled with the discovery that the virus had become more virulent and lethal, we re-named the strains according to the placed where they were first discovered. For example, the strain in June became the SZ77++A3231. Sometimes, we don’t even use their place of discovery, instead directly naming it the ++A3231.”

I: “In that way, the Ebola virus wouldn’t even be brought into the picture.”

D: “Precisely, viruses such as the Ebola are national secrets.”

I: “And what about that which was revealed earlier…….?”

D: “I do not have the complete explanation, but those in charge of the secreting the information have been called up for questioning.”

I: “After your initial participation in the June investigation, were you involved in subsequent investigations?”

D: “I’d like to remind you that I was not the only person involved in the Sichuan investigation. (? possibly, I am not only involved in the Sichuan investigation). Other agencies throughout the country are involved in it too. In fact, 3 teams have been specially set up to deal with it.”

I: “Can you tell us about the Sichuan outbreak?”

D: “Like I’ve mentioned earlier, this is an extremely complicated matter. But I will attempt to summarize it. Currently, there are many players in the outbreak – 3 different types of diseases / viruses, a chemical contamination / pollution incident, all of which were complicated by malpractices.”

I: “So what you’re saying is that it doesn’t totally involve the Streptococcus suis?

D: “While the Streptococcus suis has been known to infect and kill man, its impact has never been known to be so drastic. While it may does a role in this outbreak, it isn’t the main cause of the outbreak.”

I: “If so, why are the authorities shifting the blame on it then?”

D: “Firstly, you must understand the ground conditions. Natives living there, from the farmers, traders and even the private businessmen, are all heavily reliant on domesticated animals. These domesticated animals, of course, include pigs. Streptococcus has been known to be endemic to the region and has remained so for long periods of time. Where there are pigs, the Streptococcus bacterium will exist.

I: “So, what you are saying is that Streptococcus is the easy way out to explain what is actually happening?”

D: “You could say so. Also, let’s look at it from this perspective. The dead included, all the natives of the area are in frequent contact with domesticated animals. They have been so all their lives. Animals such as pigs, sheep etc. It would be inevitable that, at the very minimum, strains of Streptococcus be found in their body. This, by virtue of prolonged exposure to it. And simply because symptoms of it have not developed does not mean that it (the Streptococcus bacterium) isn’t present. What I’m saying is that exposure to the Streptococcus bacterium is an unavoidable part of their daily routine.”

I: “Is Streptococcus highly infectious then?”

D: “Information on Streptococcus can be readily found on the internet.”

I: “Some authorities have suggested that this outbreak may be a result of a mutation of the Streptococcus bacterium.”

D: “Streptococcus is a fungus that has been known to exist in large numbers along animals and men. The Streptococcus suis II has an extremely low virulence and the conditions for it to transmit are complicated. As with respect to the issue of its mutation, chances of it doing so are minimal as its structure is known to be rather stable, unlike that of the H5N1.”

I: “So what is your opinion of the pig-to-human transmission of the Streptococcus suis then?”

D: “Like I said, yes, incidents of such have do occur. But, I must stress once again, that that is not main cause of the Sichuan outbreak. While humans have been infected before and fatalities have been recorded, an outbreak on such a scale is unprecedented.”

I: “If so, could you tell us the other causes of the outbreak?”

D: “Let me make myself clear. I only participated in a portion of the laboratory tests. I cannot speak for the other sections. But on my part, I was able to isolate the A3231 strain. To be more correct, the SZ77++A3231 strain.”

I: “So there are many variants to the SZ77?”

D: “SZ77 basically represents a sequence (guess. this is all very technical information. Dr Niman, correct me, please.) Essentially, it is made up of a strain of the Ebola virus and an isolate from another virus which can be synthesized with the Ebola. It forms the biggest component of the Chinese virus research efforts.”

I: “That’s really confidential information, I guess. Would you like to comment about the parts behind the letter “A” then?”

D: “Yes, I can comment about the last 2 digits. This is essentially a serial number which runs until 57.”

I: “So, it basically stops at A3257. Why so?”

D: “You’re right, it does stop at A3257. Sequences after no. 57 have been reserved for other viruses. Also from next year onwards, we may stop classifying viruses by the location that they were first discovered, meaning that the SZ series may disappear. (I’m guessing that he is trying to say that they will be renamed)”

I: “So we have the A3231 for one. What of the other viruses? (circulating in Sichuan, I think)”

D: “I only have a limited knowledge. But I do know of 3. Firstly, the A3231, the bubonic plague and last of which I’m not too sure about.”

I: “The bubonic plague? Why isn’t there widespread transmission then?”

D: “There is nothing to be surprised about. (The non-widespread transmission, I believe). Most Chinese have already been vaccinated against the plague, as have a large population of the world. However, the poor local living and sanitary conditions have worked to reduce the immunity of the local population and hence the efficacy of the vaccine.”

I: “Why havn’t we heard anything about the bubonic plague from the authorities and the local media then?”

D: “The plague that I am referring to was, in fact, isolated in the laboratory from samples. Some samples even tested positive for the A3231, the bubonic plague and the Streptococcus. In the same sample.”

I: “Scary.”

D: “Like I’ve said, conditions there are terrible.”

I: “Why did they all break out simultaneously? Officials said that they were unrelated and that there was no transmission occurring?”

D: “They did not break out simultaneously. Rather, they broke out consecutively. Just that the timings were rather coincidental. All diseases have an incubation period. At the end of that incubation period, symptoms of the disease will emerge. With regards to them being related to each other and the transmissibility, if we define the transmission mechanism of a virus to be its ability, via a medium, to infect other man or animals and cause them to develop similar symptoms, essentially, yes, we do have an infectious disease.

I: “So am I right to say that pigs are the vectors then?”

D: “Partially so. Pigs are vectors, as are men. But at the crux of the matter is how the virus developed and spread. From what we understand, there is a certain distance between herds of pigs, which would create a lot of questions as to how the virus was transmission between them.”

I: “Hang on. The explanation by the authorities is that they main mode of transmission was the many farmers in the region who slaughtered pigs, and not because of human-pigs interaction.”

D: “It’s propaganda. But it would fit if we accepted that it was indeed the Streptococcus suis.”

I: “So you disagree with their explanation?”

D: “My understanding is that the spread among pigs is independent? (possibly different from the pig-to-human mechanism. guess) As for humans who have been infected……..”

I: “Seems like there are some errors in the news reports.”

D: “I would not like to comment with regards to issues concerning the reporting of the outbreak in the media. Facts are facts. The discovery of the virus will solve all such arguments.”

I: “Agreed. Earlier, you mentioned malpractices and the chemical pollution / contamination incidents. Would you care to elaborate?”

D: “These are important / sensitive issues which I do not wish to comment too much on. In the initial phase of the outbreak, doctors in the area used many different drugs to treat the patients, worsening their conditions and leading to some of their deaths. In order to suppress any questions raised, authorities said that there was no effective drug for the disease. To prevent further investigations, they quickly cremated the bodies. Simultaneously, there was a portion of the local pollution who became sick from a chemical pollution / spillage / contaminant in the area. They were, however, subject to the wrong treatment and died. Given that both types of cases demonstrated largely similar symptoms prior to death, Streptococcus was a convenient diagnosis. Also, it must be noted that this diagnosis was not the idea of the Chinese Ministry of Health. It was that of the Sichuan provincial government who were the lead agency handling this matter.”

I: “The media has not made any mention of the bubonic plague or Ebola. And their description of the symptoms do correspond with the appearance of the dead bodies.”

D: “Propaganda will be propaganda.”

I: “How would you define the Sichuan disease then? From a personal point of view.”

D: “You’ve got me there. Since I do not have an idea of the results from the other sections, I may be somewhat biased. I can only conclude based on the information that is readily available to me. I believe that this is basically a bloodborne virus with the Ebola and bubonic plague as its main constituents. This outbreak was compounded by the malpractices on the part of the local doctors. Of course, that is based solely on my analyses and my test samples. The main portion of the virus is the bubonic plague. But the special thing about this bubonic plague is that it exhibits strong resistive properties. And it is transmissible only by blood. And there must be a sufficient amount of the virus in a body for infection to occur. Otherwise, they will be killed and the patient will recover naturally. The reason why I’m saying that Ebola is involved is because it is present in the sample, but it is not the primary cause of death. I believe that what it’s done is to worsen the patients’ conditions. I also wish to point out that I did not participate in the synthesis of Ebola and the bubonic plague, so I would not understand the characteristics of the resultant virus. As to the malpractice issue, I can tell you that the first part of it was to do with improper treatment and the second was the use of expired medication which led to the fatalities.”

I: “Let me get this right, your explanation has focused a lot on the bubonic plague. Is it possible that this will pre-empt a far greater explosion?”

D: “The bubonic plague in this incident has taken on a certain mutation. This would account for it being so widespread thus far. However, it will not be possible for this strain to pass from mice to humans. Because, as I’ve said, this mutation is such that it can only be bloodborne. While mice are the carriers, they can only infect others by biting and even so, a sufficient amount of the virus must be accumulated in the target body. And from then onwards, it can be transmitted to humans. However, there is something to take note of here, the infection of domestic animals by infected mice. When transmitted to other animals, it mutates, and there is a distinct difference between this strain and the original in the mice. Whether a greater epidemic will follow is actually within our control. We must keep in mind that for humans to infected, these 3 conditions must be met. Firstly, the body’s immunity to the bubonic plague must be lowered. Secondly, there must be direct exchange / contact of blood and thirds, the virus must be present in sufficient quantities. Otherwise infection would be unlikely.

I: “The international community has offered aid. Why has it been rejected?”
D: “We definitely cannot accept their assistance. With the participation of the WHO, our national secrets would be revealed. And it would severely tarnish the international reputation of China. And this is not just a medical issue. The region’s poor healthcare facilities, living conditions, the chemical pollution, corruption etc will be laid bare for the word to see.”

I: “Culling of pigs has since been introduced on a large scale. But not killing of rate. This seems to be at odds with your explanation.”

D: “Killing of rats occurs on a daily basis in China. And you seldom read of reports of man being bitten by rodents. I certainly have not. And although mice and men live in the same environment, mice have always been scared of men. Therefore incidents of them directly biting men are minimal. And even if they do so, they must carry a certain amount of the virus. If not, it will simply be an ordinary disease (? rat bite fever possible?) But pigs are different. They are an integral part of our diet. And when man is involved in the slaughtering and processing of pigs to become pork, contact with blood is inevitable. The contact period is also significantly longer. Thus, if infected pigs were slaughtered, the chances of infection would increase manifold. Of course, it doesn’t mean that infection is a certainty. But the odds do shorten considerably. Also, we cannot tell which mice are infected and which are not. We can only eliminate them all. Once the bubonic plague has been ascertained to be the primary component of the virus, the appropriate prophylaxis can be found. Thus, even if this happens in the future again, there will be no need to worry as the appropriate treatment would be available.”

I: “This virus develops very rapidly. Some victims have died barely 19hours after initial onset of symptoms. Would you like to comment?”

D: “It does not develop very rapidly. What has happened is that they were, in fact, infected much earlier. It was the incubation period in which the virus develops silently in the border without presenting any symptoms that you failed to consider.”

I: “So will we be infected from eating pork then?”

D: “(Smiles) Of course not. Because after cooking at high temperature, the virus would have been killed and the sequencing broken (? guess). Think about it. The virus is bloodborne. If the blood has changed / broken under heat (? not sure), then the virus would have lost its carrier. How can it still survive then?”

I: “Other than pigs, are other poultry susceptible?”

D: “I am considering this issue too. But from what I understand, we realize that this has to do with the nature of the place. There is a lot of rearing, slaughtering and processing of pigs and pork products in the area. In fact, the pork processing industry is a mainstay of their economy. Other animals may be infected, but their numbers will be small in comparison. Infection of these animals may occur while raising or from the environment (mice, maybe?) As to why large factories were relatively virus free but smaller households weren’t, that can be easily explained.”

I: “Do you think that the outbreak will come to an end?”

D: “Once we’ve isolated / ascertained the virus, the next phase will be to manufacture the appropriate antiviral drugs and start a vaccination campaign.”

I: “We often see such analysis and explanation.” (no idea, could be sarcastic?)

D: “Medical / laboratory analysis reports / results can be easily organized and tampered with or falsified. That is extremely normal. This has to do with the economic issues. Also we must remember that the lead agency in this investigation is the Sichuan provincial authorities and not the Chinese Ministry of Health. The MOH is playing a supporting role. Hence, we must follow the wishes of the provincial authorities. As to why the MOH is playing a supporting role, I cannot offer a reasonable explanation.”

I: “You talked about the plagued, the A3231. What about the third virus?”

D: “Sorry, I cannot answer this. It is beyond my knowledge. This was a result of the wrong treatment administered following the chemical pollution / accident. So I really have no idea. Also, I have never been involved in analyzing the results of the Ebola and plague synthesis, and I do not have anymore Ebola samples. Hence, I can only say that they (Ebola and the third virus) do play a part in this virus. Those killed by the third virus have since been cremated. Only samples are available. But from what I understand, it is very dangerous.”

I: “Thank you so much for your time.”

D: “No problem.”

Human translator from disease outbreaks,on Boxun report, originally posted there by Dr. Niman....Here is that link...;action=display;threadid=22566
Don't know whether the Boxun article is credible...but it certainly makes me want to uncrumple the old tin foil!

703 posted on 07/30/2005 1:17:25 AM PDT by xVIer
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