After they slaughter my countrymen, I could not possibly give an asswipe with a Quran page what their grievances, real or imagined, are, nor do I accept justifications based on the losing side's perception of a centuries-old folly.
I do not want to understand a rabid dog; I want to put it down instantly.
I do not wish to understand the "feelings" of a cockroach, either; I want to step on it and poison every single last one of the species, without hard feelings, or anything personal- Just simply because it is an unpleasant job that needs to be done.
We must be allowing Al Jazeera to exist because it has some intelligence value; It deserves the compassion given to cockroaches, and the life of a Mayfly.
Now you are really insulting cockroaches. Do you realize that though they are ugly and disgusting, cockroaches are not known to carry any disease?
I can't say that for jihadists.