The schools aren't teaching the constitution now. But why is that?
To white Euro centric.
My state asembleyman put in legislation the students must read the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Federalist Papers to graduate from high school.
On the floor of the California assembly a dem-law maker said "No one should be forced to read these facist documents".
Never became law - was stopped by the dem's that run our state.
Oh, c'mon! Race has nothing to do with this. And as an American, I would throw out "Euro centric" anyway. Why? This is America, not Europe.
Instead of taking the racial angle, consider this. If students, of whatever background, studied and appreciated the Constitution, maybe what is being forced down their throats would be rejected. The Constitution is antithetical and anathema to socialism, so of course the powers that be want to either ignore it or water it down.
Race has nothing to do with this. Nothing.
On the floor of the California assembly a dem-law maker said "No one should be forced to read these facist documents".
I bet he claims he's an American too!! He's a Traitor!!
On the floor of the California assembly a dem-law maker said "No one should be forced to read these facist documents".
I bet he claims he's an American too!! He's a Traitor!!