Very true.
If Walmart annonced it was closing tomorrow, do you think all those "high paying jobs" would suddenly reappear? Not as long as Kmart, Costco, Target etc still were in business selling goods. These people never will learn that high priced labor and huge benefits drove manufacturing out of the country, not Walmart.
Absolutely! My EX-husband is a union truck driver. He used to work for a company that was driven out of business by the union! They wouldn't give any concessions in wages to keep their jobs so what happened??? The company folded. He couldn't understand that just maybe it would be worth giving up a few $$ per hour and still have a job.
That and over-regulation, much of which has been brought on by the enviro-whacko tree huggers and the NIMBY contingent. Then of course you can add in what the trial lawyers have done - and I won't even get into OSHA........
But no - it's all Walmart's fault if you listen to the chicken littles on these threads.