In reality, sex wasn't meant for recreation, it was meant for Procreation. It was also made enjoyable between partners that are married. So, should children have sex, mine will when they are married..(unless there is something I don't know about yet) So yes, sex is good for my children too (adult children)
It was clearly meant for both.
It was also made enjoyable between partners that are married.
Why? Sex doesn't need to be enjoyable in order to procreate....
Well I've been reading this for quite a while and this is what I know about porn.
Watching it or not watching it is a moral issue.And where you stand on those morals dictates the action a person will take
Gods word is absolute and there is no gray area in it. He basically says its wrong.
Christians are more addicted to porn than anything else even drugs or alchocol.
It has destroyed more Christian marriages and ruined more Ministries than any other sin, in modern Evangelical church life.
Did the porn destroy the marriage or the ministry?
Well technically the answer is NO.
But the ease of getting porn and the nature of it is to entice.And the enticement will cause you to add to the sin of lust. By lying,or being decietful and those sins will destroy a marriage or a ministry.
Let me have it I can take it.