matter how simple it sounds I just cannot seem to do it. I tried to download one of those fonts. I have no idea where it went or how to find it, or how to use it if I could find it. All this may be easy for you intelligent people, but it's still Chinese to me (Greek & Hebrew I understand).
LOL! Hi, Nan. When you click on the link to the font you want, it will give you a download screen/window. It will ask if you want to Open or Save the download. Click on the "Save" button. Then you'll get another screen/window in a moment, which is asking you where you want to save it. (at the top, it will say "Save as", and there is a blank just under that that says "Save in...". Then there are a whole bunch of files, etc to choose from. What you want to do is first click on that little down arrow by the "Save in" blank, to get to your directory tree. Click on "C", then find the "Windows" folder, double click on it, and then find the "Fonts" folder - double click on that, and you will see the name of the font you're downloading in a blank thingie at the bottom, and a button to the right that says "Save" - click on Save, and it will start downloading that font into your font folder. That's all you have to do. It is on your computer then when it finishes downloading.
To post, type < font face="whatever the name of it is" color="whatever color you want" size="4 or 5 or 6 or nothing if you want the default size>
Try again?