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To: eno_
I'm a Jeffersonian liberal. I do believe in limited government and making our current government smaller and reducing regulation.

That said, we currently have certain rules in place (like what can be broadcast over the airwaves). Whether those rules and all rules should be dropped (more of a Libertarian stance than a Conservative) they are in force. The airlines are a private business, just as the farmers are, who also receive a lot of tax money (whether that is right or wrong is again another issue) and they have their own set rules and rules forced upon them (as the FDA has rules for farmers).

I believe this guy in NH is going about his cause in a wrong manner and is only going to harm his reputation and that of his cause. This is post 9/11 and we're trying to prevent terrorists from hijacking another plane or otherwise kill people.

I believe walking down the street waving a firearm in your hand where it is illegal to do so (even though we have the 2nd Amendment) is a foolish way to fight for CCW laws. I believe it harms the individual (police record) and the CCW cause.

But hey, that's just me.
188 posted on 05/24/2005 8:09:02 AM PDT by Ghost of Philip Marlowe (Liberals are blind. They are the dupes of Leftists who know exactly what they're doing.)
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To: Ghost of Philip Marlowe
I believe walking down the street waving a firearm in your hand where it is illegal to do so...

New Hampshire is an unlicensed open carry state, by the way. Since we have a 14th Amendment, one wonders why every state is not so blessed?

This guy is not "waving a firearm" which would be rude no matter if it was illegal. He is a decent man challenging a corrupt, illegitimate, and illegal system. He ought to get a medal.

189 posted on 05/24/2005 9:13:33 AM PDT by eno_ (Freedom Lite - it's almost worth defending.)
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