Since World War II the primary reason Americans are not liked is presumed to be envy. On top of that you have Europeans who are predominantly liberal. [If you think OUR press is bad, you should listen to BBC and other European news broadcasts.]
The U.S.A. is liked in Eastern Europe, but it's a toss-up in Western Europe. It's been that way for years.
If you need convincing, remember that the current German leader was elected on a platform of bashing Bush. The current Spanish government won its election based on pulling out of Iraq and slamming the U.S.
Nearly all anti-Americanism is media driven and media fed. One on one, most people from other countries like Americans just fine - they are concerned about American politics and policies and proceed from a base of fear fueled by the media.
Envy has nothing to do with it. Non-US muslims frown on western decadence AND FEAR it may influence their young - so they brainwash their children with hate hoping it will blind them to any influence.
As for foreign elections, that is nationalism that is actually driving those votes, something apparently we can't show but all other nations should. To us it looks like they are anti-American and their media feeds off of the appearance.
Pepsi is saddled up to do 500 million dollars worth of business with India - if they can make a sweeter deal by playing a little nationalism with India in order to distance themselves from US politics, they will do it in a second.