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The gopher pops up out of her hole and screams notice me! notice me!! This article will likely land her next to Chrissie for another 15 minutes of drooling on Softball...
1 posted on 05/19/2005 5:55:44 AM PDT by WoodstockCat
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To: WoodstockCat

Hey Kristen, Go back to Jersey! Nut Job.

2 posted on 05/19/2005 5:58:06 AM PDT by Sthitch
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To: WoodstockCat
3 posted on 05/19/2005 5:58:12 AM PDT by Mr. K (some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help)
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To: WoodstockCat
Her husband is probably the only victim of 9/11 who was lucky to have been killed that day. Being married to this hate-filled shrew must have been a living hell.
4 posted on 05/19/2005 5:59:27 AM PDT by Dont Mention the War (Tagline censored - no pro-WPPFF taglines allowed)
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To: WoodstockCat
I want ya ta kill every goopher on the golf course!!

5 posted on 05/19/2005 5:59:31 AM PDT by NRA1995 (Support your local Minutemen)
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To: WoodstockCat
What's a "Kristen Breitweiser"?


(If what I just wrote makes you sad or angry,

 it was probably sarcasm)

6 posted on 05/19/2005 6:00:23 AM PDT by End Times Sentinel (In Memory of my Dear Friend Henry Lee II)
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To: WoodstockCat

'Or have we all forgotten the Senate Intelligence Report on WMD that discusses how our entire Intelligence Community and President Bush were duped by one bad allegedly "crazy" source who provided "dead wrong" intelligence?"

Uh... the list is long Ms Brightwizer of intel before the war... including Gen Franks being told by the leaders of Jordan and Egypt that Saddam had tons of WMDs and that the general should do all he could to protect his troops.

7 posted on 05/19/2005 6:00:23 AM PDT by BillyCrockett
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To: WoodstockCat
Kristen Breitweiser's fifteen minutes are over. The Donks tried to use her to tear down the President, and they failed. Now she has been used up and tossed to the side, as so many others have been before her.

This latest spate of letters printed in the New York Times and reprints in the Huffingtonpost (snort!) are the MSM equivalent of "pity sex". They really have no use for Kristen, but they'll go once more 'round the park, just for old times sake...

8 posted on 05/19/2005 6:00:40 AM PDT by gridlock (ELIMINATE PERVERSE INCENTIVES)
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To: WoodstockCat

Somone should post "AWWWWWEEE JEEEEZ" guy here.

10 posted on 05/19/2005 6:02:14 AM PDT by in hoc signo vinces ("Soylent green is people!")
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To: WoodstockCat

Its against my new religion to go to "Huffingtonpost"

11 posted on 05/19/2005 6:02:21 AM PDT by schwing_wifey (Coffee, Today's Toons, and Flaming Trolls - Yeeeaaaahhhhhhh PDT +9hours)
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To: WoodstockCat

Let's see...

Year's of intelligence information from multiple countries = an unnamed source passing along what he had heard.

Yeh, that's looks equal. Moronic.

12 posted on 05/19/2005 6:02:46 AM PDT by Mortikhi
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To: WoodstockCat
KB likes her presidents perfect like BJC and JFK.

JFK owned the his pocket.

They knew the truth but kept it quiet.

Now they manufacture stories.

Lazy perverts, the MSM...they be.

The print media reads the teleprompter from the DNC.

poemy aint it?

13 posted on 05/19/2005 6:05:38 AM PDT by CROSSHIGHWAYMAN (NO PRISONERS!!)
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To: WoodstockCat

There is actually a child out there, unable to make the distinction between the complexities of running a country and reporting simple facts, who actually is published somewhere for reading by adults?

20 posted on 05/19/2005 6:18:02 AM PDT by Publius6961 (The most abundant things in the universe are hydrogen, ignorance and stupidity.)
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To: WoodstockCat

22 posted on 05/19/2005 6:26:51 AM PDT by TheBigB ("You should meet MY boss. He'd turn Buddha into a chain smoker."~the wit and wisdom of Carl Kolchak)
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To: WoodstockCat

Ahh Yes, Kristin Breitweiser. . .Bush Won HA HA!!!! This lady truly disgusts me. I can understand her anger at losing her husband. I can understand her needing to blame someone. But what is unforgivable is that she presumes to speak for all 9/11 families. Moreover, she has turned her status as a greiving spouse into a vehicle for celebrity and to advance her own political agenda. What a low life.

24 posted on 05/19/2005 6:58:31 AM PDT by FlipWilson
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To: WoodstockCat
This is the left's talking points as to excuse Newsweek's murderous blunder. It will not work.

LIBs: "It's the Pentagon's fault because they didn't stop us from publishing this rumor!"

25 posted on 05/19/2005 7:45:35 AM PDT by frogjerk
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To: WoodstockCat
See this

Dean We Expose "Jersey Girl" Kristin Breitweiser For The Ignorant Bush-Hater She Is
Posted by bulldogpundit on Thursday, 19 May 2005 (23:27:43) EDT
Contributed by bulldogpundit

OK, that's it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I've had it, absolutely had it with "Jersey Girl" Kristin Breitweiser, the professional widow that took it upon herself to claim to speak for all the "9/11 families" during the 9/11 Commission hearings. She's built a cottage industry passing herself off as someone knowledgeable regarding national security and keeping us safe.

In reality she's an ignorant, Bush-hating, media-whore. And although she's managed to win the heart of sissy-boy Chrissy "I Squat To Pee" Matthews, she can't fool us.

What's got me so riled up about this dumb broad is that she just opened her big mouth to give her "insight" on the Newsweek debacle, in which she slams our military and the President (Her rant is entitled "Flush Bush"). But don't worry, keep on reading and we'll expose this dolt for the twit she is. You don't want to miss this one folks - it's a doozy.

To continue reading and see how we absolutely filet this obnoxious simpleton click READ MORE

Ok, let's expose her idiocy for all to see.
How do we have an Administration lecturing Newsweek about "journalistic standards"--the failure to get on the record confirmation before printing a story -- when we went to war in Iraq on similar sloppy standards. Anybody remember Curveball? Or have we all forgotten the Senate Intelligence Report on WMD that discusses how our entire Intelligence Community and President Bush were duped by one bad allegedly "crazy" source who provided "dead wrong" intelligence?

OK, first of all Kristin, it's not as if "Curveball" was the only source on WMD's. Ever hear of the Clinton Administration, England, France, Russia and the UN? Likely not, since you've admitted that for most of your life you would "skip over" many parts of the newspaper. Well let us fill you in on something - each of those entities and countries came to the same conclusion that we did - that Saddam had WMD's.

And for your information Kristin, perhaps you should take time to read the Congressional Resolution authorizing the Iraq war, which listed 7 (you have to use 2 hands to figure out how many that is) reasons other than WMD's to justify the war.

But let's continue to fisk this know-nothing.
Anybody who has looked into some of the allegations floating around about the torture and homicides being carried out by our interrogators must realize that it is a possibility that something like flushing a Koran down a toilet could happen. What do you expect when you have interrogators basically given carte blanche to do whatever they want to detainees.

We all recall Alberto Gonzales commenting that the Geneva Convention was quaint, right? Or did he say it was cute? Doesn't matter. You get the point.

But, instead of immediately stopping these abuses, investigating them and coming up with clear instructions for our interrogators to stop them from re-occurring, what does this Administration do?


Oh OK, Kristin, so it doesn't matter a lick that the Newsweek story was retracted does it? I guess the truth of the allegation isn't important to you, so long as you can use the allegation to further your anti-Bush rhetoric. You know, like the kind you showed when you cut a campaign ad for John Kerry because you "didn't feel safe living in this country.

So obviously to you, the fact that it sounded true was enough to make you angry enough to write the piece. And please genius, back up your claim that interrogators are given "carte blanche" to "do whatever they want to detainees".

Let me ask you something else as well. Do you know how many interrogators are in our armed forces and are handling these interviews? How many of them stand accused of acting improperly? Just a few as far as I can tell. But I guess those very few who stand accused (not convicted) allow you to ignorantly paint them all as serial lawbreakers, right?

And let's talk about your slam of Alberto Gonzalez, who you so blithely accuse of indifference to torture, by saying he called the Geneva Convention quaint. Did you even bother to read his explanation of that quote? Probably not, so let's do it for you.
Alluding to a controversy over a memo he wrote in January 2002, Gonzales said, "Contrary to reports, I consider the Geneva Conventions neither obsolete nor quaint."

In the memo, Gonzales had argued that the war on terrorism "renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions," such as those on commissary privileges for prisoners, pay advances, athletic uniforms and scientific instruments.

So Kristin, I guess you are in favor of Taliban and al-Queda soccer teams and chemistry sets at Gitmo. And while we're at it, let's give them a few bucks. What's the harm?

Oh, but there's more, much more.
Now, 17 people are dead in riots stirred up by Islamic extremists for their own ends. And what does our Administration do? Hold hearings? Demand an independent investigation? Nope. Our Administration blames Newsweek for reporting the story and not getting a source to confirm the allegation on the record.

Here is a thought. What if the Administration had thoroughly investigated and cleared up the human rights abuses being committed by interrogators when they first learned of it so that (gasp) there was no story left for Mike Isikoff to write about?

Hey ignoramus - which part of "retracted" don't you understand? Are we to hold hearings on a false story? And another "independent investigation"? Are you freaking serious? And there were no abuses like Isikoff wrote about. Good God, this woman is blindingly stupid.

Of course, there's more.
We have major human rights abuses being carried out by our military and intelligence officers. Such human rights abuses are on their face morally reprehensible and wrong. Moreover, in the long run they put this nation at huge risk. Why? Because every person that is wrongfully held, tortured, and then wantonly released by us, immediately returns to their homeland, tells their story and becomes the poster child for why everybody should hate the Americans.

Yeah Kristin, that's it. America is the problem. We are the ones that are to blame and our military is filled with "major human rights abusers". Again, how many soldiers out of over a million have been charged with abuses? Maybe .0000001%. Who by the way, are being prosecuted.

Perhaps you should check in to the human rights abuses of al-Queda. You know, like the ones that murdered your husband? But why do that when you can slam our military and the Bush administration. Perhaps you're doing it to further a future political career? Not a bad idea, as you'd fit in with rest of the brainless politicians who think America is what's wrong with the world.

And finally:
If Newsweek holds Isikoff accountable, then I would like similar accountability in the Bush Administration. After all, how many thousands have died as a result of our President's bad executive branch standards--whether they be for taking us into a pre-emptive war in Iraq based on an erroneous source named Curveball or not providing clear instructions and training to interrogators of enemy combatants? All of these issues continue to further alienate us from the rest of the world and continue to make us less safe.

My take? Don't flush the Koran, Flush Bush.

Well gee, how can you argue with logic like that. It just about speaks for itself doesn't it?

26 posted on 05/21/2005 5:43:04 AM PDT by finnman69 (cum puella incedit minore medio corpore sub quo manifestus globus, inflammare animos)
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To: WoodstockCat
I take it Breitweiser still hasn't read Losing Bin Laden yet.

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

Mark Twain

28 posted on 05/21/2005 5:47:01 AM PDT by mewzilla
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To: WoodstockCat

In other words she is now on the side of the jihadists who murdered her husband on 9-11.

29 posted on 05/21/2005 5:48:13 AM PDT by veronica (AntiCP - join the fun at the new forum...)
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