Oh. A pity party! I am at a loss as to what a compromise might be. Vote with less than full debate? Don't vote on the nominee? There isn't a whole lot of middle ground on the matter of the nomination of Pricilla Owen. Will the Senate obtain unanimous consent to vote on the nominee? If so, no rules change needed. But, a single objector will probably be aksed to take the floor and explain the INDIVIDUAL objection to taking the vote.
A compromise means the dems get their way.
Specter said that in principal he wants to preerve the right for the minority to filabuster a nomination..So the idea is to do a whip count on the actual votes for the nominees..There are 7..so if it turns out that three would be defeated, because they won't get any GOP votes in favor..they wioll be be allowed to be brought to the floor for a vote, then they will be defeated...This reallly sucks..Spector is backstabbing his own leadership..