Exactly -- the similarity "is" striking!
Back to the hearings.
Shall I call FNC again?
It is back on Fox, but is it backing up? Or is Galloway repeating himself?
his argument is insane - the oil for food program CAUSED the deaths of iraqi children? why didn't the regime use the proceeds for their intended purpose.
Galloway just keeps repeating his "starved" a million mantra..infantacide..invoking David Bonior's words.
He will not directly answer question about whether he would be troubled by kickbacks..just says he was against Oil for Food program.
It troubles him because the man may prosecuted...He will not answer..Insufferable.
Now launching diatribe against illegal war..
Levin asks him to answer the original question, Galloway says he just answered what troubled him.
Levin says fine, you've laid out your problems with the sanctions...would it trouble you if Zuricat violated the UN program by paying these kickbacks.
Galloway...that's Zuricat's problem, not mine.
Levin presses...Galloway: It troubles me that he might face prosecution.
Galloway: Please, Senator. You supported the illegal war in Iraq. Levin says he didn't.
Levin presses and Galloway goes on about if they're troubled about illegality they should focus on the illegal war.
Levin returns to the narrow question about money/Marium's Appeal and would Galloway be troubled by source of funds.
Fundraising is seldom pretty, Galloway notes, as many American politicians would recognize.
Long story short, I would say, is no, Galloway would not be troubled. <--that last is my opinion