Wrong thread, this thread is not about the IRS.
This was an aside, hence the parentheses. I had to qualify my "yes". I could have qualified my "yes" more succinctly, and I did "rant" a little. Granted.
I know I did rant a bit. But, when anyone talks about putting up a memorial, or any other project that involves money, and potentially public money from the Taxpayer is at risk, the question is always "where is the money" coming from? In order for me to answer "yes" we should put up a memorial (or "no"), I had to qualify my position somewhat.
Many people throughout this country want "their" project funded, "their" memorial, their "artwork," their "R & D", "their" study, etc. You get the point.
Many people instinctively turn to the Government to fund all these little projects, and that's one of the reasons why the National Debt is so high, taxes are proposed and increased, and the IRS is under pressure to collect. These projects ADD UP very quickly. That's why I went on the little rant.
All these things are closely interrelated (projects > taxes > IRS > debt). I could have said "Yes, as long as it's not Taxpayer funded" (8 words max.) and that would have been it, true!