Both of THOSE are illegal actions: "apples and oranges" compared to innocuous things such as balloons and gloves (who WEARS rubber gloves in a library anyway?).
What is next? Banning all perfumes (not a bad idea, considering some scents) and deodorants? How about people who have allergies to synthetic cloth? Or have extremely sensitive hearing? Or have strange phobias?
Just think: "This library prohibits entry to individuals possessing bottles containing urine and crucifixes." The ACLU would have a collective stroke (again, not altogether a bad idea)! Or - "This library has removed all objectionable articles in keeping with being a bibliophobic-friendly environment."
You obviously don't grasp the concept of living within a society. Rights are not limitless, they stop when they infringe on the rights of others. For some latex exposure can result in very serious medical conditions. Your rights to rubber do not out weigh others rights to a non-toxic environment.