Ugh. Hagel is up.
Frist and Byrd are getting ready to rumble!!!!!
Byrd just mentioned that they are heading for a 'showdown'.
Frist interrupts and says they are not heading for a 'showdown'.
Dems (Byrd) keep using with wiggle room that 'nominees held in committee' yada yada yada.
Pubbies (Frist) keep letting them slip by. Pubbies won't call them on it.
These nominees HAVE BEEN VOTED OUT OF COMMITTEE. That they are being filibustered at the floor is NEW. But the Pubbies don't call them on that.
Byrd is tripped back in time. Next, he will re-enter the egg and close the shell.
Rush: Starr has asked CBS to give him the full transcript of the interview, and CBS has refused.
DangIt! Too much going on...
Boxer is ranting CSPAN3
Rush is ranting on the radio
Frist and Byrd are about to rumble on CSPAN2
Frist calling Byrd on saying yesterday that he (Byrd) thinks there should be an up or down vote.
Byrd claims memory lapse.
Byrd is now talking about Mordekai being hanged. Haman built the gallows -- and was hanged on it. It didn't stop there (and Byrd hasn't stopped there, either).
"The worm turns"
That from Byrd.
Byrd: "Let me in"
Byrd: Tolstoy wrote a great story. How much land does a man need?
Byrd is now having a fit......Reid and Frist left.
Byrd is talking to himself.
Inhofe is going to egg Byrd on.
Byrd was ready to talk about 'the amendment'. Inhofe makes a comment on the mini-filibuster Byrd just finished. Now, Byrd is back to rambling.