Outside the fact that it was the Soviet Communist government, it was also 60 years ago. Stalin is dead. Krushchov is dead. Breznov is dead. They're all for the most part dead. And it was the Russian people in the Russian city streets that toppled the Soviet Union and broke up that union. Why don't you blame the Georgians, Ukrainians, etc for their roles? They all had citizens not only enforcing things: aka NKVD/KGB but they were often the decision makers: Stalin-Georgian, Beria (second in command)- Georgian, Krushchov (3rd in command)-- Ukrainian, etc.
"Why don't you blame the Georgians, Ukrainians, etc for their roles?"
To be perfectly honest, don't know much of about their history. However, as history has shown, post WWII, those in control were puppets of Moscow. And people that stay in control in a tyrannical environment of a few decades, get use to the privileges of being in control, and do not want to turn loose.
Bush was being a good guest. Probably hoping to get future support (i.e. abstaining UN votes) if we decide to directly confront Iran or North Korea. Hopefully it works. You can't win chess only with Pawns.