Someone please tell me, why can't we kill this guy? Or are we too busy holding the door open for Mexican illegals to shoot the worst bad guy in the world?
Where's Jack Bauer when you need him?
""Today the Democrats are the party of reactionary liberalism. Republicans are the true progressives. ... The Democrats and Republicans switched roles while no one was looking. ... Democrats are the Stand Still party. They adore the status quo. Conservatives won't settle for the status quo. They want this nation to champion justice, humanity, democracy.
Democrats want America to tip-toe around the globe minding its own business, upsetting no one, venerating the Earth, etc. Why did Democrats leap to label Afghanistan and Iraq 'new Vietnams'? Vietnam was 30-plus years ago! But for Democrats it is always 1974. Things change -- but Democrats don't." --David Gelernter
He stopped at the dog and suds for a hot dog and beer and to take a leak.