Lott was a mistake the first time he was selected majority leader. Although the putative reason he stepped down was "much ado about nothing" I was still glad to see the spineless wimp go.
That he was replaced by someone not much better is no reason to be happy that the exact same mistake could be made twice.
I'm about |-| this far from leaving the Republican Party anyway. Bringing Lott back as Majority (or more likely, Minority) Leader would be a final insult to true conservatives.
I am in what a few people around here call the "middle."
And I am right with you; if they reelect him, that will be the end of my DECADES long association with the GOP. I've about had enough.
Valid points, both of you.
I'm beginning to wonder if we would be much worse off with Rats in charge.
I'm sick to death of gutless career politicians!