Hold a vigil and read the names of the troops who have lost their lives in the war in Iraq.
Hold a die in.
Form a mother's resistance line in front of the doorway or building
Sometimes when you call a recruiting center to ask what their weekend hours are, they will try to set up an appointment with you individually without disclosing their regular hours-remember, recruiters are highly-adept salespeople. To ensure that the recruiting center is staffed during your event, you may even want to book an appointment to meet with a recruiter during that time. You could actually use this appointment time to ask a recruiter pressing questions about becoming an enlistee, or having your son/daughter enlist.
Some Code Pink Banner and visual ideas:
"Mothers don't let your children grow up to be killers"
Tape Yellow Ribbons to the windows of the recruiting center with names of deceased soldiers.
(They don't see the contradiction with these two ideas? First call them killers, and then cry crocodile tears in "mourning" over the deaths of those they just called killers?)
Wear numbers: Send for your number today to represent one of the over 100,000 victims of the war on Iraq.
Spoof on the adventure sports aspect of military recruiting: "Training, Education, Adventure?" Death? "If you want adventure sports, go rock climbing. If you want to die, join the military?"
Life-sized coffin with idea that potential recruits can "try out" their future/post-service home?
Vigil with medical apparatuses and wheel chairs, with the idea that these devices come with the uniform; talk about # of wounded soldiers returning from the war.
"All coffins (or flights to Iraq) 50% off." "Special Package Deal! Join the military and get a free body bag!"
Chalk: Bring sidewalk chalk to draw outlines of fallen soldiers at the entry way of the Center, or draw footprints with arrows and a message saying, "This way to death/war/lies/deception"
Some areas across the US where Code Pink can be counterprotested.
Unless the victim will be an unborn child.
Wow...Menlo Park and SF, Calif. How hard is it to demonstrate in bastions of left-wing lunacy?
These are the same bozos who used to attend the Million Mom Marches on Mother's Day.
She wrote "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Now that is one powerful, PRO-WAR statement. Oh, and it's Christian too.
Tucson is full of Moms of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. And they're not wusses...
Code-Pinkies who dare to question the woman-hood of some of these Military Moms are liable to discover things they wish they hadn't...
Code Pink should change their name to Code Brown.
And almost no press coverage.
I looked at a several hundred pictures of 3/19-20/05 anti-war demonstrations while putting the Caption-A-Rama together...and I didn't see a single photo of a recruitment center that was open for business being protested. Maybe they're afraid to be there when the recruiters are, because most recruiter can kick the butt off most people, and handling a hippy is no big deal for any able-bodied person. Heck, my recruiter was 5'4" and came out of counter-intelligence. She could probably have tied me in a knot.
It's amazing to me that these people really believe they're going to stop anyone from joining the military, much less that they'll put the brakes on the War on Terror as a whole.
Code Pinko forces are inbound to your sector to conduct operations aimed at disrupting the War on Terror! Intercept data is contained in this threads for the following locations:
Tucson, AZ
Menlo Park, CA
East Los Angeles, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA
San Francisco, CA
Mountain View, CA (Memorial Day protest)
Hillsdale, MI
Reno, NV
New York City
Dayton, OH
Ashland, OR
Newport, OR
Rock climbing, white water rafting, skiing, and other extreme sports give you a higher chance of dying than merely being in the military, even in Iraq or Afghanistan, if your goal is to die.
Isn't the group Code Pink the one that carries a big pink trash bag on a stick to protests? They could make themselves a lot more credible by actually picking up trash instead of trying to harass people.
I wish it were in my power to let these dimwits experience what life is like when the military is NOT used to free people--I think spending time in Cuba, North Korea, or Viet Nam would be a wonderful learning experience for them.
That crosses the line. They're impeding the potential recruit's freedom of association.
Is Code Pink talking about abortion killing?
Howe was a hard core abolitionist (her husband is believed to have been one of John Brown's key financial backers) who wrote The Battle Hymm of the Republic. Obviously, she believed in war when it was being fought for her favored cause.
Once said cause had carried the day through force of arms, she conveniently decided that no other cause was "worth it". How convenient.
These people are sick, totally sick. I say we ship them to a military-free American possesion - maybe we can buy a teeny island next to Cuba or China - and watch as their pacifist arses are overrun by evil people who would do us harm save for the brave soldiers standing guard.
Down on Mothers Day! STOP THE BIRTHING NOW!!!