That's an answer to my question?
10,000,000+ draftees are part of what some refer to as "The Greatest Generation."
That's your argument? A very small percentage were misfits during Vietnam means we should not have a draft?
Do you suppose that the leadership of LBJ and McNamara may have had something to do with what happened 30 years ago?
If the cause is right and the leadership (civilian and military) is honest, the "draft" is not a dirty word.
I just believe that a drafted army would not be as effective as an all volunteer army (army being armed forces)
When one os drafted for service their hearts are not in it and they will not do the dutys that are required of them and will never go above and beyond the drafting of thier duties. A drafted soilder never has a call to duty but they are forced into what they are supposed to do.
Its just my opinion lp I could be wrong. Ok?