I don't know. This site is looking more like the Angry Men Who Want to Keep the Little Woman in Her Place forum. And we all know what that leads to. LOL
Uh...no, hon. There are plenty of women here who don't like sexual jokes coming form either the President or the First Lady.
I read over the thread from yesterday. You and Howlin spent hours there yesterday and it seems plenty of time here today as well. My question is...where do you find the time?
If you were posting quality stuff, I could understand it. But you and Howlin seem to be obsessed by the potty stuff (more Howlin...you seemed more obsessed by lumping conservatives in with the Taliban).
Hon...you really need to find more constructive things to do than spout your garbage hour after hour. There were a few crude posts about Laura, but you pretend that there are hundreds. I love Laura, but I suspect after this she will stay away from any sexual jokes, no matter how mild they may be. After all, everyone knows the material at the White House Dinner does make it into the MSM every year and little children are listening. Fine, the jokes were not too bad but they could have been better.
99% of the people you are attacking still love Laura...do don't pretend to be a self-righteous defender.