I guess your mind is where your mind is.
Thousands of people have heard this joke without jumping to the masturbation association. And it is funny when it is taken as it was meant to be taken.
It is an old "dumb city slicker" joke. It has been around forever.
I do think that self respecting country people would tell this joke at Rotary or other meetings.
Actually, I jumped to the masturbation association and thought that made it funnier....
I agree.
That joke gets told all of the time at 4-H events.
Most 4-H people are some sort of Christian, tend to be moral, come from intact families.
But the clubs are kind of rugged by nature and so is some of the humor.
(You have not lived until you have been to a "Gelding Party"! )
Your mind is where your mind is, in a place where it causes you to be either woefully ignorant or appallingly disingenuous. How do you suppose the person in the joke would try to milk a male horse? By pulling his nose? His tail? The meaning of the joke is and always has been clear. It amazes me that people will go to such twisted lengths to excuse shabby behavior by the First Lady, just because they drink the Bush Kool-aid.