To: Celtjew Libertarian
"Actually 30 years ago was 1975, by which time "Deep Throat" was a household phrase."
Not at my house.
110 posted on
05/04/2005 7:03:29 AM PDT by
(The Republican Party is the France of politics--Lazamataz)
To: Rebelbase
Well, I watched the nightly news, even when my age was in single digits.
120 posted on
05/04/2005 7:07:24 AM PDT by
Celtjew Libertarian
(Shake Hands with the Serpent: Poetry by Charles Lipsig aka Celtjew
To: Rebelbase; Celtjew Libertarian
"Actually 30 years ago was 1975, by which time "Deep Throat" was a household phrase."
Not at my house. You mean Watergate was never contemplated in your house?
Personally I think people should have some knowledge of politcal matters before voting
601 posted on
05/04/2005 10:30:11 AM PDT by
Oztrich Boy
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