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To: mhking

i'm not upset at all. south park is obviously very popular. i watched it a couple of times with my kids when they were young teens. it wasn't what i wanted them watching... i threw the tv out.. nothing worth watching that justified the garbage. i don't care one bit if anyone else chooses different. i sure don't tell them what to do.. whether they complain or not. to each his own.

i could care less what Mrs. Bush watches or doesn't watch on tv.. or what jokes she tells.. etc. or if others agree dissagree with my opinion on it.

that being said.... those who didn't like the Mrs. Bush's jokes have just as much right to say so and why as do those who liked it. i noticed on all these threads on this subject the last few days - the critics are told to "get over it". why is that? why do they have to get over it... and are accused of division etc just because they voice their opinion on this? seems ridiculous to me. if someone doesn't agree with the "oh, Mrs. Bush was SOOO classy" crowd, they are smacked down.... so i say to them - get over yourselves. we don't HAVE to agree on this..... do we??

107 posted on 05/04/2005 7:02:18 AM PDT by sdpatriot (remember waco and ruby ridge)
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To: sdpatriot
if someone doesn't agree with the "oh, Mrs. Bush was SOOO classy" crowd, they are smacked down.... so i say to them - get over yourselves. we don't HAVE to agree on this..... do we??

I'm not saying that we can't disagree, but we can do so without being disagreeable. That's what so many have forgotten on FR here lately.

If you differ with the shrillest of the self-appointed Spanish Inquisition, you are summarily set upon and dragged through the mud until you either surrender to their will or depart for places unknown. It happened with the entire Schiavo mess (and no, I don't want to discuss it - she's dead, the matter is now history instead of news as far as I'm concerned, and too many people get too emotional to have any sort of rational conversation about it - don't even think about dragging me out to be burned at the stake), it happened to a lesser degree with the Pope, and it's happening now over Laura Bush.

Too many good people have been chased away by this kind of Spanish Inquisition-driven crusade. It truly needs to stop.

132 posted on 05/04/2005 7:15:57 AM PDT by mhking ("Today, we're gonna do things the RIGHT way...")
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To: sdpatriot

The problem on some of those threads was that Laura Bush was called a whore, trailer park trash, etc.....

No, we don't have to agree on all things, but to call Laura Bush these names is totally over the top, and they deserved to be called on it.

175 posted on 05/04/2005 7:31:41 AM PDT by baseballmom
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To: sdpatriot

Excellent post. Thank you. I get sick and tired of hearing a few say FR is less than it used to be because they are in the minority on a few opinions.

People who thought Laura's routine was a little over-the-top, (I am not one of them) do not deserve to be attacked and called names, have their marriages questioned, their mental health questioned, etc...those people are good conservatives also. If you dont' like their opinion, move on!

474 posted on 05/04/2005 9:12:31 AM PDT by yellowdoghunter (FR is so popular that people repost our thoughts on different message boards! It is an honor!)
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